Your Place in this World
Most people that God has set aside for this new thing He is doing in the Earth, have spent a lifetime of baffling
restriction and restraint from developing any real major purpose, or clear position or calling in life. Like nomads, they
go through life, just doing what God puts in front of them, and they accept the fact that they may not be allowed to, complete
a college degree, own big homes, have important titles, or attain a high rank or status in the big machine of life. You may
feel like Cinderella, always getting the work without the reward, promotion, or credit, but like Cinderella, your character
is just being prepared for a much greater future service.
Like John the Baptist, you may do a lot of Wilderness time in practical training, rather than the elite schools
of men. It is the University of the Holy Spirit, and it is the best training available. God only restricts the outside, so
that He can develop the inside to do something far greater. The higher the building, the deeper the foundation needs to be.
Rest assured, when God is satisfied with the inside, He will withhold no good thing from the outside. Like Joseph, and his
time managing the resources of others on a small scale, God was secretly preparing him for something on a much larger scale.
If you are wondering what your gifting or calling is, there are several ways of getting a good idea. First of all,
what is it that you really like to do? What do you really enjoy doing that blesses others? Second, what has God already used
you for in the past? Do you sing, preach, pray, counsel, prophesy, give, help others, or something else? Natural ability,
experience, and God's spiritual support on a gifting, can give you a good clue. Third, who, or what do you feel a special
burden for? What pulls, and touches your heart?
Whatever God has shown you that He wants to do with your life, hang onto that no matter what. Though like Joseph,
even as the vision tests you, don't let it go. Now, God may allow the vision to seemingly die just like He did with Moses
and Joseph, but He does this so that we know deep down, all the way through, that it is 100% God, that is making things happen,
and that it is His timing and direction that will guide us down the road to our destiny. He wants us to truly know, that apart
from Him, we really can't do anything that will count.
When your heart is full of love and compassion for others, there will be no more room for selfish ambition, or
the other ugly attributes that poison and pollute our giftings and service. When we have Gods heart beating in us, we will
do everything from right motives, and our labor will not feel so burdensome. We will work to be seen only of God, and not
of men. Like Joseph and Moses, God has been subtly, and carefully reshaping your heart, and transforming it into His own.
Our job right now, is just to cooperate with the direction of the Holy Spirit in His daily work of transformation and purification.
You will find out your place and purpose in the world soon enough. Like Jesus said, the field is ripe, and the
laborers are few. But God has been secretly preparing many mature laborers that can accomplish much, as they walk in unity
and love for one another. God has heard the groanings of your soul to know your purpose, and He is the One that has placed
all these desires within you to know. Jesus is the gentle Lord of the harvest, and He will show you your place, and you will
be very satisfied in the job He gives you. Like the finest Masterpiece, God has really taken His time with you to do a complete
and lasting work.