JNH 4:11 But Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right
hand from their left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city?"
You will find the more you actually get to know God that He thinks very redemptively and compassionately
toward people. Yes God is holy, and yes He hates sin, but He also knows that we as people can be very foolish and ignorant.
God knows that many of us don't know our spiritual right hand from our left, even though we think we do. Even Jesus asked
God to forgive the religious people that were crucifying Him, because He knew they were ignorant.
Many of us were caught up in the religious system of our day and happily skipping down the road of
spiritual ignorance when God mercifully began to convict and correct us to come out of it and let Him change us. He could
have just said we are hopeless and left us there to rot and be judged as apostate along with them, but thankfully God sees
things much better and differently than our judgmental hearts do. He saw that with some help we could change.
One of the reasons that God pulled many of us out of the normal religious denominational system was
because it had become so rebellious, materialistic, and lax toward sin, but that does not mean that all of the people still
there are unredeemable at all. God fully knows the hearts of people and that there are still many people there that love Him
dearly but just need more time to make the change. Plus God has His own people still there to help out as well.
I have served as a prophet to the remnant for many years now, and I help to pastor over a thousand
people every day who are washing their robes right now, and I can tell you truly that many people are still having their spiritual
eyes opened and making the transition from dead works, to being an obedient servant of Jesus. You see, that's what it's really
all about, letting God change you, and then preaching the gospel in God's holiness, power, and love.
Many times when we are inclined toward the prophetic, spiritually immature, and full of zeal for God,
we can be very judgmental, condemning, legalistic, and basically just unloving toward anyone around that has more sin in their
life than we do. This is caused by pride and rejection if our harsh message to repent or die is not fully received. But the
more you get to know God and see His grace upon your life, the less quickly you will want to judge others.
We must not be quick to just write off a big group of people because God sees the whole picture and
the great fish of the Holy Spirit may come and swallow up our ministry until we are willing to go back and consider God's
heart of mercy, redemption, and compassion towards others. So understand this, we serve a holy God that will indeed require
holiness from His people, but allow Him to be the One to judge it all because He alone is qualified to.
RO 2:2 Now we know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. 3 So when
you, a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgment? 4 Or do you
show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?
(We were once the very same people we now judge).