We have entered a time in the kingdom of God where only those who lift of the name of Jesus Christ and the message
of His gospel will be used by God at any real level of power or anointing in this last harvest. The day of so-called "ministers"
talking incessantly about themselves in their so-called sermons and the countless titles they paste onto the front and back
of their names is over and finished. If someone’s "word" is full of "I, me, and my’s", run. There is no longer
any place or room for any ministry that will not put food in a hungry stomach, or arms around a frightened, hurting soul.
God is done supporting self-centered people and He will only use and promote people that have His heart and who
are promoting His agenda, not theirs. This is not a time in history to be looking to build a bigger ministry (or an idol to
ones own glory), it is a time to let God change our hearts until they beat with the overwhelming burden and love for the lost
as His does. It is a time to choose fully and without mixture whom we will serve and to kick the spiritual prostitutes out
of our spiritual beds. It is a time for us to shut off the TV and computer and to wait alone with no distractions to hear
the Lord's voice and to give God our full attention, not our partial distracted attention.
For those who allow God to transform their hearts into His and who allow Jesus Christ to be promoted in all they
do and say, God will meet with them in their tent and He will indeed sup with us. Our Father longs for His kids. We live in
a world with very real threats and their are thousands of people who don't have a clue but think they do. It is a time where
we must show people where true peace and safety lie. This is a time to forsake all sin and to be fully obedient, not partially
obedient. God's great love and glory await any man, woman, or child who will humble themselves, live fully obedient, and who
will wait at His feet with no distractions to hear His wonderful voice.