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Moving Day Vision
by Lonnie Mackley
   I saw a large and vast mass of people standing on a very large map, and the name on the map was "Religious People". Then the focus zoomed in on a different smaller portion of the map that had a very high and long wall around it made up of what looked like tree poles like you would build an old fort out of during the Civil war. On this smaller area of the map it said "Wilderness People". This area looked more sparse than rest of the area outside. And then the view zoomed in once again to the actual people within these walls. The Holy Spirit was hovering above all of them like a giant dove fanning and helping them with His wings, and there were also many many angels there helping the people to get ready for something very important. I saw large banners on the walls that said "Moving day today, be ready!" So all of the people were rushing around getting everything ready to finally leave that place. There seemed to be turmoil though with some of them because they were trying to pick up these large hunks of wood that looked like idols with big heads on the top them. These idols were at least seven feet tall and they looked really heavy, so it was a struggle to even get them up to the gate. Around the idols necks were signs with different names written on them of things that people depend upon in place of God like addiction, sexual immorality, pleasure, relationships, money, works, and many other names. But when they got to the gate, the gate was only big enough for a person to walk through, and the idols would not fit through the opening. So they had a choice, to either remain there with their idols, or to drop them and go forward without them. Most of the people there dropped their idols (some did so very reluctantly) but others seemed to just know "it was their time" and they let it go with relief and didn't even look back at it when they left. Then the view followed one person that had walked through the gate and the person went down a brightly lit corridor and entered into an equally small door with the words "Empowered Harvest" on the door. I didn't really get to see all that was inside the door except that the light in there was very bright and I caught a glimpse of a kingly robe that I am fairly sure was Jesus Himself. The vision ended there.
REV 22:14 "Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city.
MT 7:14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.