Managing a Local Outpouring
by Lonnie Mackley
AC 4:31 After they prayed, the place where they
were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.
Many of us have read about or visited outpourings of God's power that have happened
in various parts of the world, but very soon there will be an outpouring literally everywhere, and every neighborhood nearby
will see homes that have been prepared experience mighty local outpourings meant to save all who can be saved. Many of you
will have visitations from the Lord Himself, see many miracles of healing and deliverance, experience signs and wonders intended
to show the unsaved that God is real, and best of all you will see many people get saved all around your community whether
it be in homes, hospitals, or at your local mall.
But with an outpouring comes a responsibility that we must take very seriously if we
want to see a consistent and prolonged revival in our midst. God has done a lot of work over the years preparing a remnant
of His people to help manage this final harvest, but there are a few things that can help us before and while
it is happening so that the outpouring doesn't dry up prematurely. Many people think that revival is all fun and no hardship,
but there are many attacks and challenges that come along that can hit us if we are not expecting them and
on our guard. Below are just a few tips to help you to manage a local outpouring better.
2PE 3:14 So then, dear friends, since you are looking
forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him.
1. First of all, we need to fulfill all obedience that God is requiring of us by repenting of all
sin habits, and forgiving anyone we have been holding a grudge against. If you are getting stuck in a certain area pray
to God for more revelation so that you can succeed and move forward.
2. Remember beforehand that revival is about spiritually reviving or bringing to life that which
is spiritually dying or dead all around us. Revival is just about people getting saved plain and simple, it's not about us
just having a big spiritual party, or looking for signs and miracles.
3. When the outpouring comes, just like Peter on Pentecost explain to people around you that
this is Jesus the Christ offering salvation to anyone who really wants it. Make sure that what happens is always about God
and not about us, the signs, miracles, or anything else.
4. Let God lead. The temptation will be to plan things, organize things, and explain things to the
point where it inhibits God's ability to just show up and bless people. You are on God's clock and it's up to Him
to move when and how He wants to, or even if He doesn't want to.
5. Expect to be attacked by the religious legalists and those influenced by demons. Revival
is messy and satan is not just going to sit back and do nothing while he loses territory. Let God fight your battles though,
and do not let anything distract you from just saving the lost.
6. Along with the genuine manifestations of the Holy Spirit, also expect to see some people moving
in their flesh, or manifesting a demon trying to distract, discredit, and hinder things. Also expect to be persecuted by those
who are jealous of what God is not doing in their life.
7. Don't make more out of it than it is. Let God just show up and do as He will and try not to "label"
your outpouring as anything. People need to know that Jesus Christ is real, so that must remain the main focus. God doesn't
need another movement, He just needs to move.
8. Enjoy yourself, focus on loving Jesus, praise and worship, and be led by the Spirit in all you
do. Keep it as local as God wants. Don't let a stuffy religious organization take it over. Love people, stay forgiving, and
don't take the bait if a flesh trap comes. Let God be God.
MT 16:25 For whoever wants to save his life
will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.
You have lived this tough remnant life all of your life for one main reason,
so that the life of Jesus Christ can be manifested through you so that people could be saved here. You may have lived a very
restricted and denied type of life so far, but expect things to change very radically soon where all of those old restraints
will finally be removed. But your new freedom comes to help others find theirs. Remain obedient to the Holy Spirit's
moment by moment direction, and don't be afraid to say "I don't know" if you don't. God loves you dearly, and He
takes pleasure in giving you the kingdom. Trust God to help you manage a local outpouring.
LK 12:32 "Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased
to give you the kingdom.