How To Get Out Of The Wilderness
by Lonnie Mackley
MT 7:25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds
blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.
What God does when He sends people into the wilderness is He allows the house of our
established life to be shaken and tested right down to its foundation, and everything that was not built in that home by Him
falls off and crashes to the ground. Most of the time after the shaking stops we are left standing and looking in amazement
and bewilderment at a very cracked and bare foundation that is in desperate need of repair before anything new can be built
upon it again. God wants to build skyscrapers of His power and goodness upon our lives, but first He must show us our
need to repair the extensive damage to our foundations. Also, the higher a building is going to be built, the deeper the foundation
must be in order to support it, so God will often spend years deepening the foundations of our relationship with Him and the
character of Jesus in us so the building of love that is built upon that foundation can stand strong and not fall when the
trials and temptations of our promised land come.
DT 2:7 The LORD your God has blessed you in all the work
of your hands. He has watched over your journey through this vast desert. These forty years the LORD your God has been with
you, and you have not lacked anything.
Now God has accomplished a lot of work in His people and most of our foundations are
repaired and deepened enough for us all to begin crossing our spiritual Jordan river, and to enter our promised land of revival
and empowerment together now. But you can be sure that Jesus the rock and foundation of our life will make sure that there
are no remaining cracks that we are unaware of first. How many of us thought and hoped that we were done with our wilderness,
only to find out there was still more critical issues that needed to be addressed and healed first? We had no choice but to
face them and press on. We've all been there and some of us are still there. Thank God that He didn't send us forward
before we were ready, otherwise we would have faced failure and disaster once one of those unseen cracks gave way under
pressure. Now is the time to face any last cracks in our foundations and to finally go forward. Below is kind of a list of
things that we must do in order to leave our wilderness.
1. We must face the real "us" with all of our sin-habits, selfishness, unforgiveness, unhealed pain
from the past, and any ways that we do not love and serve God or people properly. You see, it's not just about doing
the right things, it's about doing the right things "through" Him.
2. Once we have faced all the above issues and dragged them into the light we must replace
the old lies that satan sowed into us with the truth of God and begin to walk in it and master these areas. We must face our
dislikes, and be denied our likes to kill their power over us.
3. We must also face any areas of unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, and anger toward people
or God, and any ways that we have hurt others. God will often send us people just like ourselves as a mirror to show us ourselves
and just how unloving and selfish we can be.
4. We must have our main gifts revealed to us and develop them as the Holy Spirit leads us to. This may
mean being discipled, mentored, trained, submitted to, and corrected by those God says to. It also means learning to serve
out of love alone in order to feed Jesus' sheep.
5. We must have any and all idols (anything that we use in place of God) revealed to us and
our obsessions for them broken. We will have any Isaac's or Ishmael's revealed to us during this time and some will stay,
some will be taken, and some will be tested and restored later.
6. We must learn to be led by the Holy Spirit, God's truth, and His love alone, rather than
by ours or someone else's flesh. We must get rid of all distractions and hindrances that do not bear good fruit for God and
focus our efforts only on what God wants us to be doing for Him.
7. We must have our intimacy with God well established through prayer, reading the word, and in
whatever other practices God leads us into. We must know God's "heart and ways", not just His word, and we
learn to live by every word that proceeds from His mouth real time.
LK 10:2 He told them, "The harvest
is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
The wilderness is mainly about getting to know the real us, the real God, and then
having God transform us into Him. Obedience to God's moment by moment direction and His word is the key to going forward.
Living a consistently holy, loving, and obedient kingdom life will open the door for us to finally go forward in this end
time harvest. Many new believers will be looking to you as a spiritual parent once they get saved, so the only example
we want them or the world to see is Jesus Christ genuinely living through us. The Israelites failed a couple of times
once they entered their promised land because they were unaware of a few areas that had not yet been dealt
with. Just know and understand that when you are truly ready to leave your wilderness, you will. This harvest is very
plentiful and it is all around us, not just in some other place, so God wants you activated as soon as possible.
Just do your best to comply with whatever changes that He wants, and soon you will get out of your wilderness.
JOS 1:10 So Joshua ordered the officers of the people:
11 "Go through the camp and tell the people, `Get your supplies ready. Three days from now you will cross the Jordan here to go in and take possession of the land the LORD your God is giving you for your own.' "