Revival Prophetic Wilderness

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What To Expect Next

DT 28:12 The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. 13 The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the LORD your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom.

There have been some recent developments in the kingdom of God that could affect your life very soon, so I want to share them with you. You are about to enter the most exciting time of your life, and for many of you that have led a life as a "tail", you are about to become the "head". Jesus Christ will return soon, so a massive harvest will ensue, along with a later time of persecution. Here's what to expect, and these things could already be happening:

1. You will start seeing answers to your prayers in just about every area of your life. God wants to rebuild your faith again after your long wilderness, so do not be afraid to believe again. Many of you have become afraid to believe, and satan has tried to convince you that God is not for you, and this is simply just a lie. So pray and believe and you will see God do great things. Instead of saying why, start saying why not, and you will see God move mightily.

2. You will be given more local spiritual assignments, and soon many of you will become empowered to heal the sick and cast out evil spirits. Expect to go to the mall and for the Holy Spirit to tell you to ask someone for prayer who needs healing. Do not doubt and they will be healed, and you will preach the gospel right there in front of Sears. But also expect some persecution meant to intimidate you. Do not fear and keep you eyes on Jesus alone.

3. Many financial miracles are about to break forth. These miracles are meant to restore you after your long wilderness, and to provide money for this imminent harvest. The Holy Spirit will guide and direct you as to who you should help financially, and who you should not. Like with the Gibeonites, don't fall for every sob story that comes along. Let your giving be done as secretly and anonymously as possible, and avoid living in any showy or ostentatious ways.

4. Many of you are about to be set free from old sin habits and emotional wounds from the past. You must be willing to cooperate though, and follow the Holy Spirit's directions. If you are willing to "mature into your miracle", you will soon see it happen. Always remember that all that God does in your life is meant to glorify His Son Jesus, and to provide you with the best foundation possible in order to preach the gospel, and disciple and care for His sheep.

5. Many of you are about to get promotions in your giftings. You have been faithful with the little Jesus assigned you with, so now expect to be given more. Some of you will be trusted with more than you think you can handle, but you must remember that God will be doing the work "through" you. You just need to remain willing. Stay humble, and keep your spiritual feet on the ground. Never forget where God has brought you from, and give Him all the glory.

6. Many of you are about to be restored with past relationships that had to be put on hold because of your wilderness training. Many joyous reunions will soon take place. You see, God couldn't allow these distractions in your life at the time, but now that your preparation is complete these people will be allowed back into your life. Some of you will be given mates, but God wants you to toss out your marital shopping list, and to trust in His choice for you.

7. Many of you will be given dreams, visions, and visitations from Heaven in different forms. Some of you will be shown Heaven and Hell, and you will even witness on talk shows about the reality of what awaits those who die. Some of you will be assigned to help deliver people from evil spirits including haunted houses. The spiritual is about to become very common to everyone, and they will need help to get rid of unwanted spiritual pests they have allowed in.

Remember that your Father loves you, and that He loves you enough to first grow you up enough to walk in His power responsibly. We are no longer spiritual toddlers, or even teens, so we need to walk as the mature spiritual adults that God has created us to be. Avoid all sin, idolatry, distractions, and dishonest practices. Pray often, be unreproachable, and just remember that when the rain comes, it can make the weeds grow along with all the flowers.

DT 30:1 When all these blessings and curses I have set before you come upon you and you take them to heart wherever the LORD your God disperses you among the nations, 2 and when you and your children return to the LORD your God and obey him with all your heart and with all your soul according to everything I command you today, 3 then the LORD your God will restore your fortunes and have compassion on you and gather you again from all the nations where he scattered you.