Your Dead Promise Will Live Again!
My dear one, though your normal life and your
hopes and dreams all seemed to die so long ago; I gave you a promise to hang onto during the long years of training and preparation
that would follow, so that you would be able to keep your faith. Recently, even the life of that old promise feels like it
is gone, but I want you to see that the life of your hopes and dreams comes only by My power alone, and not from the promise
itself. Very soon you will see your old promise live again, and you will see that I am able to restore all and more, than
you lost.
Just like the Shunammite that received a promise from Me to have a son, she saw that same son die, but did
I not show her that the life of her promise and son rested solely in Me by restoring his life once again? So it will be with
your promise, and even though the years seemed to have ruined any chance of restoring certain things and relationships in
your life; you too will see Me breathe new life into these situations and I will give you much more than you would have had
if you had not sacrificed them to follow Me. My heart is always to bless!
Do you remember that that same Shunammite
had all of her possessions and land later restored to her by the king as well? Do you see, My precious child? You mean more
to Me than all the world, but I love all the world enough to grow you up in order to use you to help them to receive My goodness
as well. I am the God who thinks of all His children, not just some. Your greatest blessing in the days to come, will be My
strong presence in your life. Grieve and mourn no longer My dear one, for your seemingly dead promise will live again!