1SA 25:21 David had just said, "It's been useless--all my watching over this
fellow's property in the desert so that nothing of his was missing. He has paid me back evil for good.
The story of David and Nabal in a nutshell is that David was running from
Saul so he was camped out on Nabal's land. While David was on Nabal's land he did everything he could to make Nabal's situation
as good or better than he found it. So when David needed something he asked Nabal for some help back, but was treated with
contempt and turned away in an insulting manner. David was so angry and indignant that he was going to kill Nabal, but God
sent Nabal's wife Abigail to head him off and make peace. You see, Nabal only cared about others making his situation better,
not about making their situation better. It's that old stingy "You scratch my back, and I'll scratch mine" mentality that
thinks only of themselves. This kind of mindset also permeates many ministries today unfortunately. They love to be given
to, but would not lift a finger to help another ministry unless it benefited them in some way.
LK 11:46 Jesus replied, "And you experts in the law, woe to you, because
you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.
For a few years I gave ministry into a certain online ministry, and I was
also asked to be part of their intercessory team. I was happy to support them. The ministry that I submitted seemed to help
the people who partook of it, and when they would write to me to thank me I would just say to thank the Lord and the other
ministry. I never told even one of those people about my ministry or websites, because I didn't want to ever detract from
the other persons ministry. Then one day I received an article that I thought was post-worthy, but when I asked that other
ministry if I could post it they said no, because it was copyrighted and they didn't want it posted on another website, especially
not a lowly Yahoo group like mine. Like David I felt offended that this person seemed to only care about their ministry, but
not others. They were happy to receive from me, but unwilling to share with me in order to help the kingdom.
MT 6:10 your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Shortly after this incident, I was in prayer about something else and I saw
a vision. I saw a large pile of building supplies, a blueprint for a large building, a large foundation, and a bunch of people
who were supposed to build the large house that was on the blueprint. But instead of building according to the blueprint,
they just fought over the supplies and built these little "mini-houses" on the big foundation. They would call out to everyone
that walked by trying to get them to come into their little houses, and even damaged other peoples little houses so that people
wouldn't go into the other houses. Then while I was standing there watching this Jesus was standing beside me, and He looked
at me and said "They are building their own little houses, but not My kingdom". Then He waved His hand and a big wind came
and blew all the little houses down. He then commanded them to rebuild it according to the blueprint.
PHP 2:3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility
consider others better than yourselves. 4 Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests
of others.
The days of us just trying to build our own little private "ministry houses"
must end now, and we must all seek to only build the kingdom of Jesus Christ, and not just a name for ourselves. If need be,
we must just shut our ministries down completely and allow God to help us to start over from scratch where whatever is built
after that will only exist because God made it live or die, and not just because of our flesh or manipulation tactics. In
the end, only what we have done through God's inspiration, grace, love, and power will last and count anyway. Like the saying
goes; "Only one life, it will soon be past; and Only what's done for Christ will last". We serve in a kingdom that's supposed
to be "inter-dependent", and never independent, just the same way that our body needs all it's parts. Rather than seeking
how others can benefit us, we need to seek how we can all benefit the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
MT 10: 7 As you go, preach this message: `The kingdom of heaven is near.'
8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.
Freely we have received from God, so freely we need to give in order to accomplish
"His" purposes here. We must share what God gives to us freely with other ministries, and stop trying to just selfishly erect
our own little private ministry shrines. Fear and selfishness must end here. If we look to meet God's kingdom needs, He will
meet all our financial needs. God is not stingy, and neither should we be. In the days ahead, God will only support those
who support His agenda which is saving, healing, and delivering, the lost of this world. We must make God's priorities our
priorities. Let's come out of our own little ministry houses and let Jesus blow them away if necessary. Our hearts must be
motivated by love for God and the lost; not by selfish-ambition. Today is the day to build the kingdom of Jesus Christ, and
no longer just our own personal ministries, so let's all build according to His kingdom blueprint.
PS 103:19 The LORD has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom
rules over all.