Stand On Your New Foundation
I saw a vision of a home sitting on a high foundation. It was a nice home and everything looked pretty
good and in order from the outside of it. Then a mighty heavenly wind like a tornado came and began to blow upon this house
and piece by piece came off until the house was completely demolished and only a person was left sitting huddled on the bare
foundation alone. Then I saw Jesus walk up and He began to walk around the foundation while the person just sat there, and
He tapped on the foundation with a silver hammer and listened for the tone that He heard back to identify any flaws or cracks
that were present. When He found a crack or a piece missing, He would trowel in some cement that had the word "truth" mixed
into it. When Jesus had finished fixing everything (which seemed to take a very long time because the person looked more and
more impatient that was sitting upon it waiting), Jesus told the person to stand up. The person slowly stood up and their
legs seemed a bit shaky from sitting for so long. Then once the person was fully standing they wanted to run around on the
foundation and jump up and down on it, but Jesus held His hand up as if motioning to wait and to take it slow until He was
sure that all the repairs had worked. Then Jesus began rebuilding with the person piece by piece back on the foundation, but
He would still stop and wait to see how the person was holding up under the work, and how the foundation was doing. The building
then accelerated and in the end a very high and glorious house was standing there, but it happened in phases where there were
still little pauses. This is what I felt the interpretation to what I saw was.
"God has allowed your old life (house) to be blown away and He placed you in a sitting and waiting
mode while He painstakingly went through the foundation of your heart, life, and character, and repaired all of the damage
that was done with the truth of His word. Now that this foundation is mostly complete, you are eager to get on with it, but
Jesus wants to make sure that all of the changes that He has made in you will be lasting and consistent ones, so He is going
to take it one step at a time until He is sure that you are strong, stable, and consistent enough to be given more responsibility,
power, and authority to enter this last harvest. Eventually your ministry will accelerate almost beyond what you think it
should be, but you must remember that it is Jesus that is ministering through you, and He is really the One carrying the load
and who holds the Master plan, so you will need to just keep trusting Him as this process continues. But know this too, I
also saw the hand of God placed upon a pause button for a very long period, but then the hand raised up and unpaused it. Your
life is finally about to be taken off of "pause" and you will be going forward as the Lord leads you. It may seem like you
have lost so much, but even like a real pause button it will just seem like you are continuing where you left off in many
aspects. I have also just now seen a path end where there is nowhere to go, but a light comes on and a new path is made visable,
you just could not see the new path without the light".