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"Always Mix It With Love"
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"Always Mix It With Love"

by Lonnie Mackley

PR 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

   This is not a long teaching, but it's a very important one that can help to save you many arguments and unnecessary episodes of strife with people. You see, one day I was having an "issue" with someone about something and it appeared that I was completely in the right, but when I went away I heard the Lord say to me "Now go back and mix it with love". So I went back and mixed some love into what I was saying and all of the sudden all of the strife and contention just dissipated and things were brought to a place of complete peace.

   This same scenario happened several more times where God would tell me to go back and mix what I was doing with love, and each time I saw how powerful this was. I also saw how not mixing it with love just made things much worse. Since I've begun to live by this principle I can tell you that the peace level in my life has risen incredibly. This practice can help you to cut down on your marital disputes, help you to work out problems with friends and co-workers much easier, and accrue you some much needed grace when you blow it.

   So the next time you have an "issue" to deal with someone ask yourself this, "Did I mix love into what I just said?" If the answer is no, go back and try it again with some love even if you felt that you were right and watch what happens. When they see that you are willing to humble yourself, walk in truth, take responsibility, and to most importantly mix in love, they will respond in the like and imitate what you're doing. This is also a good way to train your children and those you are ministering to. So remember to "Always mix it with love".

1CO 13:8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.