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Be Ready To Shift Gears
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Be Ready To Shift Gears

(While in prayer the Holy Spirit showed me a cut-away of a transmission, and then I saw the gears inside of it shift from a lower gear into a higher gear to make the vehicle it was powering accelerate faster, and then this is what the Lord impressed upon me to tell you.)

My dear one, for many years now you have worked diligently and daily to do whatever I placed in front of you, and to grow and deal with the areas in your heart and life that needed to change. Like the original Israelites in the wilderness, you got up every day, accomplished your tasks for that day, and did your best to get to know and obey Me better. The sun rose and set every day with Me watching over you, and you doing the same things the next day. But your daily obedience has paid off well My love, and you are now so much different than when you first entered your wilderness. You may not see all of the changes, but I see them.

Now My obedient one, like a car that has been driving in the same gear for a long time, I want you to be ready to shift spiritual gears, and to go forward at an accelerated rate. I want you to go into your own upper room and to seek Me with all of your heart because just like those that waited in the first upper room, your day of empowerment and assignment quickly approaches now, and you will walk in My power just like they did, but even more so. Just be willing to come and to wait before Me My love, and I will guide you forward from there. Many of My people have become weary, and I desire to refresh and strengthen them in every way.

So even though your legs may feel too weak to stand again, just be willing to try and I will help you to stand. The foundation I needed to build in your life is now complete My dear one, and even though you may just be focusing on the cracks that have been recently repaired or that you feel still need to be repaired, I am the Master Builder and I know when something is truly ready to build upon. The foundation that your life now consists of is Me, My word, and the truth of our kingdom. Trust in Me and in this foundation I have built in you, for it will stay strong during times of shaking. So My love, be ready to shift gears now and to accelerate.