Revival Prophetic Wilderness

It's Time to Come Out of Your Dungeon
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It's Time to Come Out of Your Dungeon

We have entered a time of great change, upheaval, and transition, and it is also a time where God has deemed our time of preparation as being completed. I understand that many of us do not feel very completed right now, and that there isn't a whole lot of virtue flowing through our spiritual veins right now, but just like Joseph when he was in the last stages of his prison time down in Pharaoh's dungeon, he too felt weary, and at the end of all hope for ever getting out of there. But then came the day where God came in power and set him free to serve the many.

And just like Joseph, now God is going to miraculously bring you out of your dungeon, and right into the throne room of the King above. It is time to take off the old, and to put on the new. It is time to be released from the old familiar Wilderness life, and to be gloriously released into your Promised Land. It is a time of new refreshment, empowerment, restoration, anointing, and establishment. Things are allowed to become there most hopeless and needful just before God moves on your behalf. So kiss your dungeon goodbye, because deliverance has finally come!

GE 41:14 So Pharaoh sent for Joseph, and he was quickly brought from the dungeon. When he had shaved and changed his clothes, he came before Pharaoh.