Revival Prophetic Wilderness

Your Life Went The Way It was Suppose To
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Your Life Went The Way It was Suppose To

My dear one, I have heard you questioning things about your life about what you think should or should not have happened and I would tell you this day that your life went the way it was supposed to. You see, I knew exactly what needed to happen in your life to shape you for the calling you were destined to fulfill. There is no point in saying how if you had been given different opportunities in your life that you would have done things differently because you have been following My course all along.

It is never My will that people sin or hurt other people like you have been hurt in your life, but I knew that this would happen and I planned beforehand to bring good out of it to help others later on. Do not let the evil one lie to you about Me because if after knowing the truth you choose to believe a lie, then you suffer by your own choice needlessly. Know that all you have been through will be used and nothing will be wasted. Your life went the way it was supposed to my love, so be at peace and live.