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Time for My Power and Blessing
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Time for My Power and Blessing

You have labored hard over these long years of preparation and purification, and although you did fight and hesitate at times, you always surrendered to Me in the end, and you did not withhold even your most precious things. You have let go of that which offended and hindered, and now you walk in purity and holiness because you cooperated with My daily training. You have let go of the past now, and you have forgiven those who wronged you. You have eagerly obeyed me, when you knew clearly that it was I, that was speaking to you. Slowly but surely we made progress together, day by day, and the good changes that came were lasting ones.

Now, it is finally time to begin to walk forward. It is time to believe for new things, and it is time for My power and blessing to flow through your life. Though you were held back in the past, and you seemed to have many false starts that just ended in more time of preparation, now you are ready to obey my voice and conquer the new land I am sending you to. Trust me just as much now, as you have in the past; Obey me just as much now, even though it would seem, that you have more freedom to make choices. I would call you to feed upon, and listen to me even more-so now, as we enter this new time of increased power, blessing, and service.

I delight in restoring all that was sacrificed, and I delight in blessing you in front of those who judged you as a failure. You bore my reproach in order to be obedient to my calling, and in order that My heart might be formed in you so that you could serve in My power and love. Now I have a strong, reliable foundation of holiness, obedience, and love in you, that I can build very high upon. Before, the cracks of pain and sin in your old foundation would have caused it to fail under pressure. Now I will build a great house of blessing upon that foundation, for it is built upon Me, your Rock, and this new place will be a haven and storehouse for all I send to you.